Youth Transitions, Inc. prepares individuals with disabilities for employment opportunities in the food service industry.
What We Do
We specialize in equipping students with entry-level skills necessary to be successful in the food service industry. The program ensures that students are proficient in at least three job areas within the food service industry.

Three goals for student development include…

Develop satisfactory skill levels in “three” food service job areas.
Student demonstrates satisfactory skills in food service sanitation and safety skills.

Student demonstrates a work ethic and sense of urgency.
Equip and Empower
Youth Transitions Culinary program equips and empowers students to excel in the food service industry. As a growth industry, we expose students to many of the employment opportunities available. Students have opportunities to compete in the Prostart culinary arts competition, as well as internships for advanced students.
Our Target
Our target population includes individuals with disabilities, including persons with Autism, Downs Syndrome, and Learning Disabilities. We have extensive experience working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing persons. We welcome referrals from local schools, homeschool coops as well as Vocational Rehabilitation Services and Veterans Administration.
Our Program
Our program is evaluated through feedback from employers and a review of daily class activities. We conduct employer entry and exit interviews to improve our training systems and outcome.
For additional information please call us at 865-660-6680.